
Derek is a senior at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York who loves all things writing. He is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications with a concentration in journalism, while double-minoring in creative writing and English literature.

He will attend Columbia University’s MFA Program for Creative Writing next fall.

He has written for newspapers like the Albany Times Union, magazines like Marist’s Diversity Works Magazine, and blogs like The Red Fox Report and Fox Tales. In the past year, his fiction has been published in Sink Hollow, Atticus Review, Potluck Literary Magazine, Crab Fat Literary Magazine, and the Mosaic Literary Journal.

In the fall of 2015, Derek was part of a team of students which won the Marist Communications Department’s “Best Overall Senior Capstone Project.” Their team created a non-profit website to alleviate homelessness in Dutchess County.

Derek is an avid traveler and spent five months studying abroad at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. He enjoys books where the good guy loses, movies without climaxes, and music that puts most of his friends to sleep.

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